Big change is a’coming!

Think I’m going to try this: Loc Brushing 101

My Hair So Soft!

Yesterday, I sat at work fingering through my hair, and becoming more and more intrigued, but at the same time more frustrated. I noticed that I had lots of split ends, and that my hair was so dry! I had to do something! As soon as I got home I ran to the sink to wash my hair. I had been using Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Shampoo and Conditioner, along with a cheap Pantene knock-off conditioner. But this weekend when I went home, my mother and I went grocery chopping and found Giovanni poos and conditioners on close-out in BiLo! $3.74 each! I wanted to stock up…but I controlled myself. Anyway, this is what I decided to use this time on my hair. I desperately needed more moisture! I used the knock-off conditioner, clipped my ends with the conditioner still in, then rinsed. I washed my hair using the Smooth As Silk Giovanni poo (by the way, using the conditioner 1st breaks down any oily barriers so that you only need a dime-sized amount of poo for the entire head). I rinsed, and then used the SAS Giovanni conditioner. I threw on my 2-laered shower cap; I did some straightening up in the apartment, and then sat under the dyer for 25 minutes. I rinsed, and then applied Giovanni Direct-Leave In. Sectioning off approximately 3-inch parts; I plaited my hair all over. I covered with a head wrap, and that was it. This morning, I took down the plaits with my fingers covered in Giovanni Leave In and a little organic serum (Shitaki). My mom let me have her afro pick from the 70’s, and I used this to fluff. I put on a head-band and voilà!

I am at work now, and as I touch my hair, it feels so silky smooth. YAY! I needed that!

Braids Update

I will make a video to document how my braids are going after 2 weeks.

Stay tuned!

Good night East Coast!


No-relaxer Perks

Well, I know these perks may not seem that important or interesting to people that do not know what black women go through with their hair; however they are very significant to me, and I am sure they are many more perks that are significant to other transitioners and natural hair chicas. I wanted to list a few here:

1. You can walk in the rain without an umbrella, and without completely loosing a new permed style.
2. You can learn to swim, if you don’t know how (Had the throw this one in there; it relates to no.1)
3. You don’t have to go to a salon or by a boxed perm to keep the styles you want to wear
4. You can get to know my hair like it was (or at least similar to) when you were  a little girl.
5. You can utilize a variety of natural hair products that are especially for your hair
6 . You can wear your hair in various styles that do not require you to sleep standing up…yall know what I mean 🙂
7. Natural hair makes you look younger

Got “No-lye” Perks?…Post a comment to add your own!

Natural Hair Styles

Fellow natural hair blogger Kinjee just posted her hair journey! (Thanks again Kinjee!) She mentioned that she did not know what to do at first when pertaining to styles as she transitioned…I can relate! Now,  I think from her blog pictures, I think she has got it down! Go Chica! I thought it may be helpful to post some pictures of natural hair styles that are easy (I am a DIY fan), affordable, and still sexy! So I will start by posting some of my own, and please feel free to comment on your own! 

Fan of it?

           Flaunt it!


 This is a flat-twist twist out. Kind of crunchy hold so it can last. Done by my old hairdresser in ATL. I miss you Star! This is a transitioning style.


WELCOME TO SO NAPPY!  Looking for POSTS? Go to SoNappy Tab.

This is a new and fun blog dedicated to black women who are living (or want to live) a healthy natural lifestyle from their hair follicles to their toe cuticles.  I created this blog for women to have support as they transform (and struggle a little) with growth and ultimate care of newly natural tresses. I hope to be able also comment on how to live a fruitful, healthful, natural lifestyle including diet, product use, exercise, and stable cognition.

About a year and a half ago, I decided that I would go natural. I did my research, read some books, and contemplated for a few months. I stopped getting my perm in early Nov 2008, and I transitioned with protective styles for 10 months.  Sept of 2009, I did the big chop.  No, I did not cry.  Now I am doing what it takes to grow my hair strong and healthy. I have taken advice from YouTubers, Bloggers, and random shoppers in grocery stores. I have learned a lot about my hair by doing my own styles; I tried a non-natural hair dresser, and a natural/locs hair dresser. Both cost too much, so I forced myself to DIY! Anyway…enough with my story. I will write a page about that. This blog will allow me to give my advice to people that are going through the same struggles as I did.  On this blog you will receive useful product reviews, interesting book reviews, hot web links, sexy pictures, Hollywood-like videos, crazy polls, in-your-face surveys, and much more! I would love to hear from you all about what you like, dislike, can’t live without, or can’t live with.  Or anything else you wish to comment on. So please follow me on this So Nappy journey! The bumpier the ride the better!
