festo karwemera speaks

The Bakiga – How We Throw Away Our African Culture from Studio Edirisa on Vimeo.

Studio Edirisa’s documentary The Bakiga – How we throw away our African culture (2006, 29 minutes) is a story about Festo Karwemera and his people of southwestern Uganda. It is a critical assessment of how much remains of the traditional culture and a protest against the Bakiga’s imitation of their former colonial masters.

More: http://www.studio.ug

Think I’m going to try this: Loc Brushing 101

WOW 10% Formaldehyde!


For women seeking straight hair, the Brazilian Blowout treatment seems like a God-sent, except its high levels of liquid formaldehyde, known to cause nervous system disorders, chest pain, vomiting, and rashes. Would you sacrifice your health for 12-weeks of pin-straight hair? Yea doesn’t sound like a deal to me either.

The FDA is giving the Brazilian Blowout manufacturers until mid-September to reform its product or risk being pulled from store shelves. Testing samples pulled from the product contained up to 10.7% of liquid formaldehyde when the Cosmetics Ingredient Review Expert Panel considers 0.2% to be a safe level. While customers might not feel the effects immediately, salon workers frequently in contact with the product might have a different story.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Jennifer Goeres-Arce, a stylist in California, was put on an inhaler two months after she started treating her clients with the Brazilian Blowout. California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris already has requested an injunction against the product in addition to Australia, Germany, France, Ireland, and Canada acknowledging the product as dangerous.

Perhaps it is time for people to do away with all chemical straightening treatments and embrace natural alternatives for hair care. There’s nothing healthy about applying high-risk chemicals to your scalp multiple times a year. And if straight is your “look,” there are numerous, safer ways.

FDA Labels Brazilian Blowouts Dangerous

The Beauty Within

Mature, upbeat, positive message for all women to take seriously! Being real, natural, and free is a beautiful thing!


My YouTube Channel

Although I have videos uploaded here on SoNappy, I have not officially featured my own YouTube channel on my blog. Silly me.

Here is it:




The View: Natural Hair Discussion

Why does Whoopie always make more sense than everyone else?

My Hair So Soft!

Yesterday, I sat at work fingering through my hair, and becoming more and more intrigued, but at the same time more frustrated. I noticed that I had lots of split ends, and that my hair was so dry! I had to do something! As soon as I got home I ran to the sink to wash my hair. I had been using Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Shampoo and Conditioner, along with a cheap Pantene knock-off conditioner. But this weekend when I went home, my mother and I went grocery chopping and found Giovanni poos and conditioners on close-out in BiLo! $3.74 each! I wanted to stock up…but I controlled myself. Anyway, this is what I decided to use this time on my hair. I desperately needed more moisture! I used the knock-off conditioner, clipped my ends with the conditioner still in, then rinsed. I washed my hair using the Smooth As Silk Giovanni poo (by the way, using the conditioner 1st breaks down any oily barriers so that you only need a dime-sized amount of poo for the entire head). I rinsed, and then used the SAS Giovanni conditioner. I threw on my 2-laered shower cap; I did some straightening up in the apartment, and then sat under the dyer for 25 minutes. I rinsed, and then applied Giovanni Direct-Leave In. Sectioning off approximately 3-inch parts; I plaited my hair all over. I covered with a head wrap, and that was it. This morning, I took down the plaits with my fingers covered in Giovanni Leave In and a little organic serum (Shitaki). My mom let me have her afro pick from the 70’s, and I used this to fluff. I put on a head-band and voilà!

I am at work now, and as I touch my hair, it feels so silky smooth. YAY! I needed that!

Quotes: what this one means to you.

As I was  searching the web to connect with other mujeres naturales, I came across this site. (which I had visited once before a long time ago…) I also came across this wonderful quote by Marcus Garvey:

“Don’t remove the kinks from your hair, remove them from your brain!”

I love this. I wish I was told this a long time ago, and I want to ask readers what the quote means to you?

Post a comment!


Braids Update

I will make a video to document how my braids are going after 2 weeks.

Stay tuned!

Good night East Coast!