festo karwemera speaks

The Bakiga – How We Throw Away Our African Culture from Studio Edirisa on Vimeo.

Studio Edirisa’s documentary The Bakiga – How we throw away our African culture (2006, 29 minutes) is a story about Festo Karwemera and his people of southwestern Uganda. It is a critical assessment of how much remains of the traditional culture and a protest against the Bakiga’s imitation of their former colonial masters.

More: http://www.studio.ug

Hair wraps, hats, and dreadlocks update October 2011

Black is as Black does!

This is a lovely quote I saw on Facebook…Had to share it!


“If I didn’t define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.” Let’s take “Black” back. Blackness should never lead to unhealthy decisions. The very function of culture is to make life better. So the next time someone says – in jest or all seriousness:”Black girls don’t swim.”, “Black people don’t eat sushi”, “Girl, Black girls don’t hike”, “Yoga? You ain’t Black” Tell that person, Black is as Black does. Live your healthiest, most fulfilled, most productive life – let’s call THAT Black. Bet. [Credit: Quote by Audry Lorde]

Old look at new job in new city

Today was my first day in the new cancer research lab. Studying myeloma, but that is not important. At least not for this post!

I had a wonderful experience! Not only because I enjoyed learning about the research, but because felt like nobody was judging me or was startled to see that I was (1) black (2) female (3) looked very young and (4-my favorite) that I wore a head wrap! I wanted to show them right off that I was going to be my normal unique self! I think they respected that and also respected the fact that I was confident, friendly, scientifically literate, and willing to learn! I hope that every part of me stood out, my look, and my ability to be a positive addition to the lab! There are so many things to worry about when you are pretty much alone (ethnicity and culture) in every aspect of our life, so I have decided to just be me, and worry about one less thing! This time, it went over well, I just hope it stays that way! Or at least continues to get better.


These last few days, I have been doing a whole lotta Soul Searching! I have been reading, dancing, singing, writing poems, crying, listening to folk, African, classical and Caribbean music, finding websites that discuss the struggles of the black diaspora. And I feel great. I have also been crocheting, knitting, and volunteering at a craft circle for refugee families. I have learned so much about myself, my new environment, and my future! I am single for the first time in 12 years! My strength comes from within now for the first time in a long time! I have had time to breathe. I have had time to be alone. I have had time to think. I want to get this blog back up, and show a new side of me. I cannot promise I won’t go MIA again, but I am doing my best to shape and mold a multitude of broad interests into a core of blended goodness to share with you!

As Dolly Parton said: You "better get to livin'"!